Rotary sinchronous motors
Rotory synchronous motor "ORION-2-05" - the synchronous gate motor with excitation from stationary values of magnets.
Prime area of application - a metal-working equipment and technological installations rotor-type.
« The magnetic road » (rotor) is twirled around of an keeper of the motor (a magnetic conductor with windings), being the stator. Mechanically rotor synchronous motor (RSM) is part of the angular axis consisting of the basis with the stator (electromagnets) and a rotor with magnetic road. RSM has the module construction and the following composition of main bodies:
The three-phase modular stator consisting of separate same modules (sectors), providing an angular motion;
The modular doubled rotor with magnetic roads;
The transformer of angular motions (6000 strokes on a turnover);
The basis for the stator, a combined bearing and a working platform for a rotor.
Advantages of application:
Motor "Orion-2-05" on the specific performances (the specific moment, a specific power, small Joule heat losses), in 1,5-2 times exceeds the best samples of rotor motors of other corporations. The height of rotary tables with these engines is the least as contrasted to known analogs. That is the important factor at use of such tables in a metal-working equipment.
Motor "ORION-2-05 " - a development type of some dimension-type line "ORION-2". Look below the reference "download pdf-file"
Foto – link "foto "ORION-2-05"
Technical data:
Weight of the mechanism of an axis of rotation: - 100 kg
Dimensions of an axis (diameter*height) - 600*180 mm
Parameters of the motor
The peak moment (2-3 sec.) - 2926 Hхм
The rated moment
- At the water cooling - 1463 Hхм
- At convective cooling - 732 Hхм
Error of positioning - 15 "
Parameters of the stator
Diameter of the stator - 548 mm
Height of the stator - 140 mm
Parameters of the rotor
Width of magnetic road - 40 mm
Diameter of the rotor - 502 mm
Diameter of the stator - 98 mm
Electrical parameters (20 grad C)
Heat rate (peak) - 9555 W
Heat rate (water cooling) - 2388 W
Heat rate (convective cooling) - 597 W
Constant of the motor - 29,9 Н/Вт1/2
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